Monday, May 17, 2004

New Start
I started the blog because I had to find myself after the ex. I named it after him, and the title and theme I followed was to answer the question. But I don't care about that question anymore. So after a one year I can finaly say I'm (mostly) satisfied.
Time to move a start fresh:

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Last Night
It should have been remembered as a bad night. The night I stayed sober to take care of my six very very wild and trashed friends. It should have been the night I had to make sure six girls weren't being taken advantage of (came close). It should have been remembered as the night the guys all (not successfully but continuously) tried to put me down and insult me until I was hurt, it was also the night I got two tickets at two am because I drove my drunk friend home ($240 dollars!!!). But I can't help feeling that last night was a good night. It was the night I snuck into your home, the night that was spend talking until the morning and sleeping in the same bed with you (not sex). It was the night you told me how many times you wanted to say it. It means a lot because just like you, there have been so many times I've wanted to say it. But I'm relieved you didn't and the fact that you haven't yet means even more.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

I have the feeling. The happy obsessive feeling and I am putting my guard down. I'm happy right now and this happiness is worth risking the pain.
Yey, I like it when life is simple and fun.

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Fortune Please
Can we please fast forward time and see how things are going to be? I have the capability of being happy anyway I chose to live my life - it's the not knowing part that brings me down and makes me uptight.
So may I request my fortune please...!

Sunday, May 02, 2004

I can't take this anymore - emotions make me want to explode! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!!
I hate caring about people I hate it I hate it I hate it. I am bound to fail and to be sad and to be stepped on and to be confused. And even though my reasons are legit and very worthwhile getting upset - I am bound to be misunderstood. I hate guys, I hate looks I hate emotions, I hate sex, I hate I hate I hate all because I love.
And these are the times I want to go to my past and beat up so many boys, and apologize to a few. And these are the times when I want to call randy and tell him fuck you for damaging me emotionaly these are the times i dont want to go to one more day of highschool. i hate.
In other words I cry - and I don't feel like calling this PMS and I dont feel like calling it depression, because it's not, it's anger and it's me.
URGH! I hate.